SMS Gateway API for Any Application

You won’t believe how quickly you can integrate our API’s

api gateway messaging

The Power of Programmable APIs


    Integrating SMS Gateway in your software is fast and easy. Our documentation is direct, clear, and very easy to understand.

    Communicate directly with your customers from your own Software. Save valuable time and resources by creating an automated mobile messaging workflows to handle inbound and outbound SMS interactions.

    Designed for low latency and high availability, our global SMS API is a reliable way to reach international users around the globe. Our direct gateway is tuned to enable high-volume SMS to be delivered in seconds.

    We connect Enterprises & Businesses to their staff and customers directly and through our unique relationships with global mobile network operators, resulting in billions of SMS messages sent each year.
sms gateway celcom infographic

Smarter APIs for integrating SMS with your applications

Take your website and apps to the next level with integrated SMS messaging

  • 2-Way Messaging
  • Security Authentication
  • Scheduling & Batching
  • Session Tracking
  • Dynamic Cost Allocation
  • Query Message Status
  • Request DLR upon failure
  • Dynamic reply routing
  • Access control blacklists, whitelists & quarantine
  • Send to groups or lists
  • Track Message ID
supported protocols sms celcom

How are Enterprise Customers Using our APIs?

Reduce Do Not Attends (DNA)

It costs around RM617 for each missed appointment, our API options enable integration with your ERP system to send patients timely SMS reminders that encourage on-time attendance.

Appointment Rescheduling

Sometimes patients can’t help missing an appointment, our SMS API options enable 2-way SMS, so the patient can text in and automatically request a new appointment.

Patient Alerts

SMS API options enable you to integrate with your existing health IT systems to create automated patient reminders for flu shots, prescription ready messages, quit-smoking tips, and health alerts to keep your patients informed.

Emergency & Incident Alerts

Emergencies & IT incidents happen, so use our SMS API options to keep your business moving, maintain control of the situation and alert your staff.

Staff Fulfilment

SMS API options enable you to send out alerts to staff to fill shifts on short notice, and even let them know when the shifts have been filled, this keeps your organisation running.

Analyze your traffic

Get real time analytics through our dashboard, and check volume, cost and destination summaries. Measure quality of delivery & performance — if your messages fail to deliver, we give you a detailed breakdown of why.

Promotional Offers

SMS offer coupons are redeemed up to 10 times more than traditional paper-based coupons, and nearly 30% of SMS recipients click on links sent in SMS messages.

Click & Collect

Offer pick-up-in-store options for Online purchases. Use SMS APIs to send an SMS when the order is ready to pickup, many customers increase their purchase as a result.

Staff Fulfilment

Fill shifts on short notice using SMS API integration. SMS is the fastest and easiest way to reach your staff to fill the position.

Business Continuity

Your business relies on your IT systems, use our SMS API options to send your teams an alert when things reach critical status, so you can resolve it before it impacts your business.

Protect your Applications

Applications & data are the lifeblood of your business. Use our SMS based Authenticator API as part of your two-factor authentication (2FA) login process – improve your data security.

Brand your messages

Use your brand name to send messages to mobile subscribers around the world, wherever SMS is supported.

Citizen Alerts

SMS is the fastest way to raise awareness, send trash or refuse collection reminders, and to alert about bills to be paid or licence renewals. Reach the citizens at the right place and time.

Net Promoter Score

How are we doing? SMS has the best response for Net Promoter Score surveys due to higher SMS read rates. Automate your NSP feedback surveys with our SMS API.

Internal Staff Communications

With Email overload & less people based in the office, more businesses are using our SMS API options as a mobile-first communication strategy – send an SMS before email and watch your open rates increase.

Business Continuity

Governments are facing more emergencies each day, including hazards, weather disasters and terrorist attacks. SMS APIs are a means to deploy a quick, automated solution that performs better than phone calls and emails to alert citizens and first responders during an incident.

VPN Access

Government applications & data are protected by VPN access, which can be authenticated using our SMS API Options or our Authenticator API.

Analyze your traffic

Get real time analytics through our mobile messaging performance dashboards. Check volume, cost and destination summaries, and measure the quality of your delivery & performance. And if your message failed to deliver, we give you a detailed breakdown of why.

On-line Banking

More people now use their mobile phone for banking activities, our Authentication API can be integrated as part of your mobile app login process to provide SMS two factor authentication.

Customer – limit alerts

Customers now rely on their banks to inform them when low or high limits are reached on their account, its easy to integrate these mobile alerts via our SMS API options.

Application Process Workflow

Financial applications such as mortgage applications require multiple steps and checks. Reduce the cost of communicating with applicants using SMS, and reduce the number of costly calls to your call centres.

Renewal Reminders

Financial organisation face stiff competition. Use our SMS API options to remain at the front of your customers’ minds with a timely renewal reminder.

VPN Access

Banking applications & data are protected by VPN access, this can be automated using our SMS API Options or our Authenticator API.

Analyze your traffic

Get real time analytics through our messaging dashboards, and monitor SMS volume, cost and destination information. Measure quality of delivery & performance. And if your message fails to deliver, we give you a detailed breakdown of why.

Delivery Notification

On-time delivery of a parcel is key, but things happen. Inform your customers if there is a change or delay of your delivery. Informed customers are happier customers.

Shift Login / Log off

Ensure that your drivers are not working over their scheduled hours using our SMS API options to alert drivers when they have started and ended their shifts.

Daily driver vehicle checks

Drivers are responsible for their vehicle safety. Send a daily SMS and get the driver to confirm via SMS that the safety check has been completed. Compliance? Check!

Warehouse Automation

Inform you customers of inventory shortages or back-order deliveries. Simple automation of these tasks can be achieved using our SMS API solution.

Shift Fulfilment

People move parcels, so if a shift needs to be filled on short notice, use our SMS API options and you will have the shift filled faster and with less effort.

Analyze your traffic

Get real time analytics through our SMS dashboard reports, and use the reporting tools to check messaging volume, costs and destination reports. Measure quality of delivery & performance. And if your messages fail to deliver, we give you a detailed breakdown of why.

Job Scheduling

Providing continuous connectivity and service for our utilities, gas, electricity & water requires constant maintenance. Our SMS API solution enables you to connect SMS to your IT systems and send job dispatches instantly to your service repair technicians and teams.


Field workers often work in remote or isolated locations. Use our SMS API options to send them an R U OK? SMS message, and if they don’t respond, the situation can be escalated via SMS to an available backup. Your workers’ safety is your responsibility.

Health & Safety Daily checks

Delivering gas, electricity & water requires a goal of 100% safety. Use SMS API options to send daily health & safety quizzes to ensure your staff are all safety winners.

Internal Staff Communications

With Email overload & less people based in the office, more departments are using our SMS API options as a mobile-first communication strategy – send an SMS first to improve response.

HR – Job Vacancies

An SMS API and integration is the quickest way to fill a vacant position. Send potential candidates a quick SMS with options to reply that they’re interested.

Analyze your traffic

Get real-time analytics through our mobile messaging dashboard, and check SMS volumes, cost and destination reports. Measure the quality of delivery & performance. And if your message fails to deliver, we give you a detailed breakdown of why.

SMS API Gateway Features


Scalability & Throughput


Fast Delivery

Business Continuity


Easy Integration


Get Free Consulting With Celcom Experts

What to Expect
  • We’ll never spam you.
  • We’ll email you back.
  • We’ll listen to your needs.
  • We’ll customise your solution.
  • We’ll deliver within 10 days.
  • We’ll support you 24x7x365.